The New European Radio Equipment Directive

The New European Radio Equipment Directive

The original R+TTE Directive was first published in 1999 and consolidated the Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and Satellite Earth Station Equipment directives. This gives manufacturers the ability to conform through a statement rather than laborious independent tests.

The New European Radio Equipment Directive (RED) was published and has been enforced since June 2017 and, while this might not mean much to the lay person, here at Workplace Occupancy it’s a fairly big deal.

Our products are sold all over the world and so gaining compliance for every directive governing the safe sale and installation of these products can be quite a challenge. The objective of RED is to enable a radio/telecoms product designed and manufactured in one European country can be sold and used in another without any loss of performance or danger to the user or the public. The directive also aims to ensure compatibility between systems.

Our products provide low power RF network to help our clients gather data which can be essential when reviewing and analysing your space usage. Our products are RED compliant which means whether you are in the UK, Europe or anywhere on the globe our products will easily integrate to your existing systems using our bespoke API.

Our systems are completely IT independent and our patented RF occupancy sensors are UK, EU and USA patented. They also comply with ETSI and FCC global production accreditation and EU accreditation for RED.

At Workplace Occupancy we operate a continuous improvement process. We have heavily invested in the latest radio legislation to make sure our RF products are tested and validated to the highest levels, ensuring ‘right-first-time’ quality of our products.

You will be able to build real-time graphs based on the KPIs of your workplace, whether it’s occupancy, utilisation, temperature or even humidity! If you know what you want, why don’t you take a look at our new online shop, where you can find out more about or products and buy online.

If you are interested in finding out more about our products you can speak to a member of our expert team via email or follow us on our new Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn channels to stay up to date with the latest product developments and news from the industry.

photo credit: By chombosan

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